I was walking down my high school's school hallway in the A building.Jayda (my ex's girlfriend) was talking to her friend Aracely outside our class we had together.Aracely pointed to me and Jayda ran into the classroom.Obviously me being confused when I got to the door where Aracely stood I asked if I had done something bad for her to run inside.She flipped her hair and said "why do you assume bad" and I replied "well she ran when you pointed".I don't remember what she said after but I remember going inside and calling Jayda to talk outside.All she said was "you dated Ryan for a year".Ryan is my ex boy friend, her current boyfriend.And then I woke up.
This dream could indicate unresolved feelings and emotions linked to your past relationship with Ryan and the current dynamic between you, him, and Jayda. Walking down your high school hallway may represent revisiting a long-gone chapter of your life and the emotions tied to high school relationships and social dynamics. Jayda's presence symbolizes a connection to your past and the feelings associated with it.
The interaction with Aracely could represent a confrontation with the reality of the current situation between you, Jayda, and Ryan. It seems you are seeking closure or understanding regarding your past relationship, as seen when you call Jayda outside to talk. Jayda mentioning the duration of your relationship with Ryan may signify a reminder of the history between you and him, perhaps suggesting that she sees the duration of your relationship as significant.
Overall, this dream may be reflecting inner thoughts and unresolved feelings about your past relationship with Ryan and the current circumstances involving Jayda. It may be a sign that you are processing these emotions and seeking closure or clarity in some aspects of your past and present relationships.